K.W. Michael

Thank you for viewing my collection of essays. My intent is to publish a new essay once a week, so please return for a fresh look every week or so. The essays written before Jan. 4, 2007 are revisions of essays created for Catholic Adult Fellowship (www.catholicadultfellowship.org) from 2004-2006. With the New Year there will, of course, be Christian spirituality, but also branching out to the interests in culture, public policy and nature. Blessings! K.W. Michael

Monday, October 16, 2006

Mary’s Yes

What does it mean to be fully human? This is one of the great answers we as humans seek or at lease should be. To the Christian, in this search, the great number of scholars and artists in this tradition stop to reflect on a little Jewish maiden as the model. After reflection, the Incarnation of God through Mary, Jesus’ mother is defiantly unique, differing from other religions. The human is confronted and incorporated by God in a very extraordinary way. This overwhelming belief is the basis for many dusty books in a seminary’s library. They were written from generation after generations encounter with arch angels, a miracle baby, blood, cross, tragedy and triumph. God got human with humanity, born and breathing life across the pages of our story.

God chose to continue relationship with humanity not exclusively “over there” as in the Temple, but also setting up Temple within humanity with Mary’s affirmative reaction to God paving way. This is why the Catholic/Orthodox views Mary, Jesus’ mother as the ideal example of how to allow God, the Holy Spirit within us. For the Catholic/Orthodox, God’s redemption story can not be alienated from Mary’s reply. God chose to enter the human family through her, “the first Christian,” who is activity teaching Christians that follow how to connect and relate to God within.

There are three major theological points here that Christians profess: (1) God initiated (2) Mary did allow God within and (3) God did enter Mary. God is not an ogre, His character revealed an insistence on Mary’s ‘Yes’ before He brought forth His Son. God rose up and entered a “New Eve” to pave way for a “New Adam.” Humanity would never be the same.

This Catholic/Orthodox concept of how God prepared and utilized Mary has always had less to do with Mary, than what God has done through His Son. Mary, the humblest creature would insist on this. It should also be said, that it is hard to ovoid her affirmative and submissive reaction to God’s initiative action within the plan for human salvation. The focus always is on God when Elizabeth professes of Mary “blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Thus, Mary becomes the most dramatic example of what we do now influences generations to come. “Mary, the Mother of God” was given the opportunity to give birth to God’s humanity, because prior God paved way in allowing her to miraculously possess “Yes” to God.

What it means to be fully human from the Christian point of view is this co-operation with God. God creating humanity in the Image and Likeness of Himself has resulted in our true self being revealed within the Divine. This is why Christianity is the most positive of faiths, for we are continually participating in the renewal of a response to Love, the Almighty that initiates. This is a painful process as our hearts lean towards sin but pray to learn again the divine language of “Yes.” It is painful, but always produces the fullest human revealing our real home within God’s heart.


Blogger Sindi said...

I have read eveything you have written and even though I may not understand all of it I do long for more.Please continue to write.

11:53 AM  
Blogger Sindi said...

It has been months and I keep checking, but you have not written anything new. I enjoy reading your works so please continue to write more. I will be waiting to see your next dissertation.

12:05 PM  

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