K.W. Michael

Thank you for viewing my collection of essays. My intent is to publish a new essay once a week, so please return for a fresh look every week or so. The essays written before Jan. 4, 2007 are revisions of essays created for Catholic Adult Fellowship (www.catholicadultfellowship.org) from 2004-2006. With the New Year there will, of course, be Christian spirituality, but also branching out to the interests in culture, public policy and nature. Blessings! K.W. Michael

Monday, December 18, 2006

Joy and Diet

On the journey of Lent one learns to see what really is. As least they are invited to. When something is given up it leaves space that needs to be filled. What is chosen to be put there for Lent should be designed to create more freedom for growth of the Christian soul. There is a confrontation of what one feeds on in this live and what God wants you to feed on. “One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God” Matt. 4:4 (NAB) Either He provides or He does not. There are rumors that He does. Everyone is talking and has an opinion on the matter.

It is during Lent that one sees that what is right in front of them is what they have desired and crossed mountains wishing to touch. God desires our diet to be on Him, for He knows anything else will burden and can someday kill. The shadows of our mountains in life seem to hide that God journeys right next to His children, feeding along the way, like a mother robin feeding her chick back into the nest. He is not calling us to cross these mountains alone, just turn next to us where He is, which is sometimes with fear the greatest of distances.

Lent can only be joyous when one can celebrate the clarity of God being eaten as enough. If He is not, Lent forces the issue of why He is not. This darkness between, caused by our sin, not only is the space between but a way to entering His light and joy. God is not far in the darkness and to reach out is not failure but wisdom. If we can not see maybe the one that made us can? God is not even asking for full believe, only that we realize that there is only so many times a person hits their head against a wall in the dark before they ask for directions. It is the failures, if we let them, which push us into His direction by sure need. Holding His hand is from experience and wisdom; ones that don not have not met the wall or enjoy eating brick. For we should all be getting tired of brick. There is only so many ways one can fix it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.