K.W. Michael

Thank you for viewing my collection of essays. My intent is to publish a new essay once a week, so please return for a fresh look every week or so. The essays written before Jan. 4, 2007 are revisions of essays created for Catholic Adult Fellowship (www.catholicadultfellowship.org) from 2004-2006. With the New Year there will, of course, be Christian spirituality, but also branching out to the interests in culture, public policy and nature. Blessings! K.W. Michael

Monday, December 18, 2006

A Kingdom Wanted: No King Need Apply

In the book titled Abandonment to Divine Providence by Jean-Pierre De Caussade the author says “If we wish to enjoy an abundance of blessings we have only one thing to do: purify our hearts by emptying them of all desire for created things and surrender ourselves wholly to God.” What is it about the nature of blessings that causes great pain when they are misused? Could it be that it is our failure as humans to have the ability to hold these holy blessings correctly, that helps us realize aspects of the Holy from where they come from? Is it really in our self-surrender that God calls a fertile self? The King’s children do ask many questions.

If this is true, many of us have become experts on emptiness knowing the values and blessings our King gives, but living in great frustration in not being able to incorporate them wholly into our lives.

Part of the Christian secret to blessings correctly lived is that the King’s blessings can’t be hoarded when received, but they are to be opened up and lived through. When the soul gladly receives the order, friendship, protection and gifts of the King, but doesn’t even try to open them up and live with them correctly is like putting a sign on one’s heart: A Kingdom Wanted: No King Need Apply. If you and I desire Kingdom benefits, we better be ready to be Kingdom servants; God’s children of a real promise.

If God moves the only way we know we are truly connected to Him is if we bend to what He is. The alterative is breaking against the greatest liberal within and greatest conservative externally the human will ever come into contact with. Our weakness with blessings can have a positive side; it allows flexibility for growth of the soul in either direction. What becomes more important is the soul is learning to lean on that which is then shape it.

God’s blessings enlighten who God is. Living through those blessings enlightens a world to what He is making in us and can do for them as well. Very rarely will a Kingdom fall when the King is good and the citizens remember just how good He really is. The heart cries for a king. A kingdom is wanted and the King continues to apply for the job.